Cleaning laminate flooring

by Stacey
(Destrehan, La)

Stacey's question

I have tried everything to keep my laminate floor, but it never works. Every time I clean it, it gets a cloudy haze on the floor instead of shine. Any suggestions?

Taylor's response

It sounds to me like you might actually be using too much cleaning product on your floor.

Have you ever washed your floor, and then when it is almost dry, with just a hint of moisture left on it you walk over it and it feels almost sticky? I have done this before, and this happens because soap or detergent is still left on the floor that didn't get rinsed away, and it actually acts as a dirt magnet making the floor grimy and dirtier than it was before very quickly.

Try using less cleaner next time, and perhaps even using a second bucket of water for rinsing the mop for a second run through and see if that helps.

If you had a waxed floor (which I am assuming you don't because you say you have laminate floors) I might think you have gotten soap or detergent in the wax which has made the wax turn cloudy. If that occurred the only way to fix it would be to strip the wax, and then begin again.

Does anyone else have any ideas of what could be the problem? Or how have you solved a similar problem? Any products you would recommend or steer clear of?

Photo by chadmagiera

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Comments for Cleaning laminate flooring

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Same Problem Here
by: Christy

I am having the same problem with my laminate floors. I'm even using the laminate cleaner (expensive) that the manufacturer suggests. It looks great until it dries. Then it is dull again. I haven't tried rinsing it afterwards because the manufacturer warns about getting too much water on the flooring. I will try that in a small area and see what happens.

Cleaning Laminate Floors
by: Anonymous

I experienced the same thing with my laminate floors. Here's how I fixed the problem:

1) Wash the floor in sections with an all-purpose cleaner like Mr. Clean or with a Murphy's Oil type cleaner (follow label instructions for dilution).
2) IMMEDIATELY after washing each section, DRY the area with a terry rag or towel. This is the trick!
3) Repeat steps 1 & 2 until your floor is completely cleaned.

It takes longer (especially if you do it on hands & knees like I do) but it makes the floors look great and prevents the "haze" from forming.

Hope this helps!

Furniture Polish
by: Anonymous

After the floor is dry, attach a terry towel/cloth to a Swiffer mop head and spray the floor with Pledge or another furniture polish/dusting polish and wipe as you go... CAUTION: it gets very slippery! It actually repels dirt/dust and floors look cleaner longer and really shines! Be careful, though, it gets slick!

We use steam
by: Anonymous

We had the same problem. But we use a steam floor cleaner now and use no chemicals and my floors look and feel wonderful again. We use the Shark brand however I don't honestly know if its best but I love it. And have in the long run saved money as now it's just water, not chemicals and special disposable items to use.

I should mention my hubby is in fabrication, I have 3 kids, and 2 large indoor/outdoor dogs. So steam actually cleans very dirty floors. However I think they may even stay cleaner without chemicals if that makes any sense.

Even professionals have this problem.
by: Anonymous

I have been an owner/operator for a residential maid service for the last 11 years and have this problem consistently with laminate wood flooring. Best solution I have found is cleaning by hand to remove ALL residue left behind by cleaners. After that use only a microfiber mop and water. Laminate floor cleaners do work better but if the floor has heavy traffic it will need to be cleaned by hand more often. In general, less cleaning solutions on the floors will keep them cleaner longer. Seems counter-intuitive, but cleaners are designed to attract and trap dirt. So, if the residue is left on the floor, that's exactly what it's doing. The result is a dirtier floor.

Solution for cloudy laminate floors
by: Patti

BONA, BONA, BONA. I tried everything to clear up the streaks and cloudy film on my laminate floors until I read online about (affiliate link) BONA from Lowe's. I used the cleaner first, then the polish. My 12 year old floors are shiny and beautiful again! I did purchase the applicator and pads, one for cleaning and 1 for polishing and it was well worth the outcome!

by: Anonymous

I use Restore. I use plain water most times, but 1x per month I use the Restore cleaner and shine restorer.

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