Diaper Bag Checklist - Don't Leave Home Without It!

Here is a free printable diaper bag checklist to reference when you are in a hurry, running out the door with the baby.

Free printable diaper bag checklist so you don't forget vital stuff in your child's diaper bag as you're leaving the house {courtesy of Household Management 101} #FreePrintable #DiaperBag #KidsOrganization
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It is exactly in these moments, when you are rushed, that you are most prone to forgetting something important for the baby in his or her diaper bag.

Referencing the list before you leave the house (preferably the night before when you aren't rushed) will allow you to make sure you have the essentials from the diaper bag checklist.

I have even created a free printable version of this diaper bag checklist which you can keep in your diaper bag or in your household notebook for easy reference. (Just scroll to the bottom of the page for the link to the actual printable!)

  • Diapers (3-4, or more depending on length of outing)
  • Travel pack of wipes
  • Changing pad (preferably a large one so all or the majority of your baby's body doesn't have to touch the changing surface in public restrooms)

Helful hint: Sometimes I just bring a cloth changing pad from home, but there are times when you are in a public restroom, like at a restaurant, where you may find using a disposable changing pad more handy.

  • Any creams or ointments used on your baby when you change his or her diaper
  • Plastic grocery bag, or other leak proof bag to carry soiled clothing, or diapers until you get home or can throw the diaper away (if it is disposable)
  • Extra clothes (including shirt, pants and socks) for your baby
  • It doesn't hurt, if you have room, to put an extra shirt for you in the diaper bag too
  • Several burp or spit cloths, for messes, spit-up, etc.
  • Travel pack of facial tissues for wiping noses, mouth, etc.
  • Hand sanitizer (learn how to use hand sanitizer properly here)
  • Hat for baby, in case of sun or cool weather (the hat you choose will vary according to the season)
  • Baby sunblock in case you are out in sun (this applies for both summer and winter)
  • Bibs
  • Blanket(s) - these are useful if the baby might get cold, will take her nap, or if you want some nursing privacy
  • Food for your child - what you pack will vary with the age of your child (or children), from baby food (with accompanying spoon), to bags of cheerios or crackers
  • Baby bottles (with caps over nipples for traveling) and formula (if bottle feeding)
  • Spill proof sippy cup
  • Small toys and books, including some toys that are quiet, in case you are in a public area where quiet is expected
  • Pacifiers (bring extra), and keep them in a platic baggie or in a case to keep them clean
  • Small first aid kit
  • Any medications your baby will need while you are out
  • Cell phone and list of important phone numbers (if you don't already carry this in your purse)
  • Optional: camera - to capture special moments while out (if your phone doesn't also take pictures)

I know that seems like a lot for this diaper bag checklist, but I have found that these items are needed.

Helpful Hint So You Don't Have To Carry Everything On The List All The Time!

Sometimes, to save my back from lugging too much around, I leave some of these things in the car so they are available for me to go out and get them if needed, but I don't have to lug them around all day if I don't end up needing them.

Of course, what you will need will vary significantly depending on where you are going, how long you will be gone, the age of your child (or children), and your own personality.

Here's Your Free Printable

Free printable diaper bag checklist so you don't forget vital stuff in your child's diaper bag as you're leaving the house {courtesy of Household Management 101} #FreePrintable #DiaperBag #KidsOrganization
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Click for free checklist here
(opens into new window as PDF)

Once you've got your diaper bag stocked and ready for use, you'll also need to periodically declutter and reorganize it. You can check out this article, on Home Storage Solutions 101, for how to declutter your diaper bag, and keep it organized regularly.

How to keep your bag clutter free and organized

Free printable diaper bag checklist you can use to make sure you don't forget stuff for you, or the baby, when you leave the house {on Household Management 101} #FreePrintable #DiaperBag #KidsOrganization
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