Frugal Living Tips And Practical Ways To Save Money

Below are frugal living tips, practical ways to save money, and money saving ideas you can use today to get your finances in order and live within your means.

I know raising a family takes cash, and sometimes it feels like a lot of it, and that in this economy money is tight. I too have been touched by the current financial situation.

Even before the most recent financial meltdown though my family and I have been on a journey to find ways to save money, and our goal has always been to live within our means, acquiring as little debt as possible.

With changes in our job situation, and the addition of more kids through the years this policy and goal has served us well. However, there is always room for improvement, and I know I can always do better, and utilize even more frugal living strategies than I currently do.

On the other hand, I don't do really outrageous things to save money. I do value my time also. Therefore, the ideas below are really very practical ways to save money that you can implement in your own home, and with your family today.

You can read more about my thoughts about household management and saving money in this interview I did for

This section is a work in process, so check back again soon as I slowly add the tested tips I have developed, or learned from others, during my journey, and also projects I'm working on to help me save even more.

Save Money All Year Long

Save money to buy the things you need, instead of buying them on credit. Simple, but it absolutely works.

Take the 52 Week Money Challenge today and begin saving money painlessly!

52 Week Money Saving Challenge printable

Frugal Shopping Tips

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