Grass and Mud Stains

by Judith

Grass stains and kids go hand in hand

Grass stains and kids go hand in hand

Taylor here:

Kids will be kids, and they don't care in the slightest if they get grass stains because they will not stop having fun long enough. Ah, to be a kid again!

Judith has a wonderful tip about grass and mud stains that is often overlooked -- pretreating and presoaking are easy stain removal methods, but often quite effective.

If you have additional ideas and tips about how to get out grass and mud stains, such as a specific product to use or other ideas, please don't forget to submit your own page, or add a comment below!

Judith says:

When the kids used to roll in dirt and down the damp lawn, the stains on their jeans and t-shirts were pretty bad. But pretreating and using the pre-soak and stain cycle on the washing machine really helped. Sometimes the time soaking can make a real difference.

(By the way, beware of soaking anything in bleach for more than a few minutes. It eats fabrics, as I found out one time when I forgot some linen napkins and found them in shreds the next morning!)

Photo by Brian Robert Birke

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