Head Louse Treatment Video - Good Place To Start

by Taylor
(Household Management 101)

Here is a head louse treatment video that I thought was helpful, even though I do not agree with everything that was stated in it.

I'll start off by saying that I do not believe that insecticidal shampoos are good to use, or that they should be used when treating a head lice infestation, and the video (although with great caution) suggests using such head lice shampoo.

I think using these shampoos too quickly and too often has created "superlice" which are resistant to the insecticides in them meant to kill them.

However, despite this fact I believe it is helpful and well made, especially when you are need of a good overview of information about head louse treatment.

Here are the points in the video that I especially thought were helpful:
  • It emphasized that head lice are highly contagious, so if one person in your home has them everyone in the home needs to be checked for them.

  • I liked the suggestion to use a well-lit room, or outdoors, to check for head lice. The lice, and their eggs, can be difficult to see and I found that natural sunlight helps you see them better.

  • I appreciated that they emphasized you must comb through the hair of any infected person every single day, with a louse comb, for 2 weeks to make sure the infestation does not reoccur and to continue removing any lice or nits you find.

  • The suggestion to wash all clothes, linens, etc. that have come into contact with the infected person with hot water is good too. I believe they should have added to dry in hot dryer also though.

Here is the video about head louse treatment for all the details.

head lice treatment
This post is part of my series on Head Lice Treatment. Start at the beginning of the series, and read it all if you need instructions on this right now. Don't panic -- learn the facts before you act!

Don't forget that you can share your stories and experiences about lice treatment here.

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