Home Cleaning Tips For Mold And Mildew Removal From Your Bathroom

Need some home cleaning tips for mold and mildew removal from your bathroom?

home cleaning tips
Photo courtesy of juhansonin

Mold and mildew love to grow in damp dark environments, meaning that if you don't follow certain precautions your bathroom is likely to be a prime location in your home for growth of these nasty fungi.

Here are some home cleaning tips for removing and preventing mold and mildew from getting in your bathroom.

1. Turn on your bathroom's exhaust fan each time you shower or bathe.

If you consistently turn on the fan it will remove lots of dampness from the air, which takes away one of the key ingredients for mold and mildew growth. Keep the fan on for about 15 minutes after you finish in the bathroom each time.

2. When repainting your bathroom use a paint that contains an antimildew additive.

Now there are paints, such as Kilz which have an antimildew additive, which helps reduce the likelihood of mildew and mold growing on your walls.

3. Remove mildew and mold from a plastic shower curtain by washing it in the washing machine.

You don't need to throw away that shower curtain when it gets some mildew and mold build up on it, and you don't have to live with the yucky thing either.

You can easily wash and reuse the shower curtain by throwing it in the washing machine, along with a couple of towels. The towels create friction to help rub the shower curtain clean. Use regular detergent and hot water. Let drip dry after washing hung back up in the shower.

4. Bleach is a cheap and effective way to kill mold and mildew.

If you see mold or mildew growing in your bathroom kill it quickly and easily with a bleach solution.

Use 1 cup liquid chlorine bleach (non-scented), 2 quarts of water, and two tablespoons of all purpose cleaner or dishwashing liquid. Spray the solution on the mold or mildew and let sit for 5 minutes or so to let the bleach work. Then, wipe clean. Repeat as necessary until all mold and mildew is eradicated.

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