Homemade Dishwasher Detergent - Recipe And How To Video

by Taylor
(Household Management 101)

I have never used homemade dishwasher detergent, but instead I have used generic Great Value brand dishwasher detergent (that is the Walmart brand).

However, I came across this video from Amber, who now blogs at Classic Housewife, where she explains how she makes her own homemade dishwashing detergent.

Her recipe is as follows:

  • 1 1/2 cups borax

  • 1 1/2 cups baking soda

  • 1 cup table salt

Combine these dry ingredients together into a container, and shake until mixed thoroughly.

This makes four cups of homemade dishwasher detergent, total. Use 1/4 of a cup per load, meaning that you have made enough for 16 loads of dishes from this recipe.

She also warns that it is not as strong as some other commercial dishwasher detergents, so you must be even more careful about scraping and pre-rinsing your dishes before running the dishwasher.

So, anyone already using this or another homemade dishwashing detergent recipe, and want to share how it works?

Anyone have any problems using such a recipe, such as it not working well with your dishes, or what I am more afraid of, messing up your dishwasher?

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by: Tiffany

I'm not sure where the other commenter read vinegar - since it's not in the above recipe, so it doesn't really seem relevant.

However, out here in West Texas, we have extremely hard water and everyone I know around here adds vinegar (in addition to the other cleaners) to the dishwasher to make it perform better.

Not the greatest
by: Anonymous

I was all about trying this recipe. I added the vinegar to my rinse aid spot and then used the dishwasher recipe. The dishes didn't come clean (even after I practically washed them first). Not to mention the vinegar has ruined my brand new dishwasher. I even used my wet/dry vac to suck all the vinegar out of the rinse aid well and apparently there is some still in there because 3 weeks later my dishes still have a nasty film on them from the vinegar!! All my black dishes turned white and won't come clean. I have no idea how to get my dishwasher back to normal!!!! I just don't suggest it...but that's my personal opinion!

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