Household Tips For Cleaning Dust And Dirt In Your Home

Below are some household tips and techniques for how to get dust and dirt cleaned quickly, and better yet, how to keep it from coming into your home in the first place.

household tips
Photo courtesy of Joe Shlabotnik
  • Clean dusty houseplants in the shower - dusty and dirty real houseplants can be easily and quickly cleaned by placing them in your bathroom for a brief shower. Don't use hot water, and if you feel the shower head will be too harsh you can use a watering can instead. Let them drip dry before returning them to their proper place.
  • Clean sliding door tracks with a screwdriver - Spray a household cleaner safe for metal on a rag, and wrap the rag around the tip of a screwdriver, and then rub the tip of the screwdriver along the track for easy cleaning.
  • Vacuum lampshades instead of dusting them - Lampshades accumulate dust quickly and using a dusting rag to try to get it off can sometimes just rub the dust in more. Instead, vacuum your lampshades to remove the dust quickly and easily.
  • Remove dust from drapes and curtains in the dryer - A simple way to get rid of dusty curtains and drapes is to throw them in the dryer, on the fluff air only setting, for approximately twenty minutes and the movement and air flow will dust them for you.
  • Vacuum carpets regularly - Carpets hold onto a lot of the dust and dirt in your home, and therefore to keep it out of your home you need to vacuum regularly. If you have dust allergies make sure you use one with a good filter, or let someone else do the vacuuming.
  • Have two welcome mats - To keep dirt from entering your home in the first place have two welcome mats at all entrace doors to your home, one on the outside and another on the inside.
  • Change your furnace filter regularly - Changing your furnace filter as recommeded, and regularly, is one of the simplest but most overlooked ways to keep dust from accumulating in your home.

I hope you have enjoyed these household tips for your home, and that they help you keep your home dust free (or at least as close to it as reasonably possible).

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