How To Make Air Fresheners With Essential Oils - Share Your Recipes

Learning how to make air fresheners for your home using essential oils can be a trial and error process.

how to make air fresheners
Photo courtesy of Eggybird
The reason for this trial and error is to find a combination of scents that you enjoy in your home.

Click here for a list of popular essential oils for making homemade air fresheners.

These essential oils can be combined in many different combinations to create unique fragrances you just cannot find if you buy a commercial air freshener.

In addition, combining these ingredients yourself gives you the opportunity to express your personality and use your creativity in making a unique fragrance for your home.

I would love to hear from you, telling me what combination of essential oils you prefer for making these air fresheners, since there are so many possible combinations.

If you have a recipe or tips please share them below.

Tell Us Your Favorite Combinations Of Essential Oils For Homemade Air Freshener

Do you make your own homemade air fresheners using essential oils?

If you do I would love to hear the recipe(s) you use, giving the list of essential oils you use, and how much of each one you combine together.

Also, have you ever tried a combination that you thought would smell wonderful, but instead made you want to leave the room?

Tell us about it below.

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