Keeping Track Of Little Socks

by Taylor
(Household Management 101)

Do you feel like half of your life is spent picking up tiny little socks you find all over the house, and trying to match them up after washing them?

A mom of 2, blogging at Proverbs 31 Woman In Training had some suggestions for keeping socks together. ***Update - she's since taken down her blog.***

In her blog post regarding sock tips she suggests washing all your socks, including all your kids' tiny little socks, in a mesh bag.

I think this is a fabulous idea, because I know I feel like my washing machine eats baby socks sometimes, and this would prevent that.

In addition, she suggests buying all similar socks, a different style or color for each child, so you don't have to strain to match them -- but any two socks can be used together and sorted easily after washing for putting away.

I have done that for my kids, to a certain extent. They each still have some "special" socks, but each also has some general everyday wear socks, and even if one gets lost or gets a hole they can still just grab another that matches and they are good to go.

So what about you? How do you keep track of all those little socks? Any tips to share?

Photo by dansky

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