How To Treat Head Lice Part 2:
Lice Treatment Stories And Experiences
Here is the place you can share your lice treatment stories, read others submitted, and also where I will place some good videos and resources from the web that I have found, which I believe will benefit you.
You always remember the moment you realized your child may have head lice, which begins a process of events that always takes at least two weeks of your life to fully resolve, and for some even longer.
During that time you experience about every emotion there is, from panic, grief, exhaustion, anger, hopelessness, despair and dare I say it, joy when you finally rid your home of these pests.
I also understand that sometimes afterward you feel the need to share what happened to you, and what you experienced. I know I did, which is why I'm writing this 14 part series on how to treat head lice. Here is your chance to tell us what happened with your lice treament methods, and what worked and didn't work for your family.
You can get credit, by me putting your name at the top of your post, and even a link to your blog, if you have one, or you can remain completely anonymous.
Just remember that others will be hungrily reading what you say later, when they feel the first tingles of panic up their spine when they realize their child may have head lice too. So, the more detail you can provide about your successes and failures, to help others learn from your experiences, the better.
I know, myself, I am especially interested in any home remedies you tried, and whether they worked for you or not. But, others will be interested in symptoms your child experienced that alerted you to the problem, and any tricks of the trade you learned about combing through hair, cleaning parts of the house, or anything else you discovered along your journey that you thought was important.
I am also using this page as a place to add some great videos and other resources I found from the web that I think you will benefit from. I will be adding some things throughout the course of the series, and also as I come across more great resources on the web.
Tell Me About Your Lice Treatment Experiences
Here is your chance to tell your story. Give everyone as much detail as possible, so others can learn from your experience.
Lice Treatment Stories Already Submitted
Click the links below to read the stories and experiences that have already been submitted.
Feel free to comment on these experiences, if you have something to add, or to share your own experiences here.

This post is part of my 14 part series on
How To Treat Head Lice. Start at the beginning of the series, and read it all if you need instructions on this right now. Don't panic -- learn the facts before you act!
Next part of this series, Part 3: Head Lice Symptoms - What Are The Warning Signs Your Child Might Have Lice?
Related Links At Household Management 101
Introduction To The How To Treat Head Lice Series
Health And Safety Tips For Your Family
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