Life As A SAHM In Dubai - My Daily Routine

by Harshika

Harshika has been kind enough to share her daily routine with us, as a mother and wife living in Dubai.

Harshika says:

I have a toddler of 20 months. A hubby who works flex time, mostly from home.

We live in the Middle East-Dubai and you can imagine the weather conditions. Hot, humid and very dusty at all times.

We are Indian, which means heavy-duty elaborate cooking, for example, to give you an idea: If I were to serve sandwiches for a meal, hubster will ask me 'are you feeling sick babe?'.

These factors are pretty significant in directing the course of my daily routine.

1. Get tea/coffee/milk going for the 3 of us.
2. Cook breakfast - always a very elaborate and a heavy meal.
3. Get self and kid washed/dressed.
4. Make prep for lunch and dinner, which I cook at the same time, so I can have evenings free.
5. Dusting/vacuuming/mopping - everyday (due to the fine desert dust all around, most folks here have to clean everyday).
6. Finish cooking for the day.
7. Clean kitchen/dishes/sink/counters.
8. And finally, make prep for next day's cooking - like chopping,thawing etc. - This is my last chore of the day.

It may sound like a tight schedule, but actually I take my time and pace myself. With a hyper toddler I have to!

Taylor says:

Thanks for sharing your daily routine with us. I like how you have taken your circumstances and made the routine work well for you.

So, does anyone else have a daily cleaning schedule to share? If so, share your daily chores with us here.

You can also read other daily cleaning schedules already submitted here.

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