Lost Socks - The Trick To Keeping Them Together
by ~LL~
(DFW area)
Have you ever lost socks? I know I have. This is especially likely to happen with lots of kids, it seems.
LL has a great suggestion for everyone for keeping those socks from going missing.
LL says:
I have 4 boys...that's right FOUR BOYS!
We have many, many, MANY socks. Something always gets lost in the washer-monster. It is a pain to wash, dry, separate, pair up and fold up hundreds of socks. Then, there is the hassle of trying to locate a missing sock, finally putting the lone sock to rest....only to find it's mate mysteriously appear days later.
Now what we are working on is this:
I use 1 kind of sock for each boy. There are no colored socks, we use all white. Then, when the socks are dirty, they are put into a mesh laundry bag (one per child). The bag is zipped and thrown into the laundry. Once finished, each boy takes his own bag, containing his own socks, to his dresser. There is no sorting and separating. They are contained in the bag or they are on feet....they are not floating around somewhere.
Photo by Krikit