Making Lists Keeps Me Motivated For Cleaning

by Sonya
(South Australia)

Making Lists

Making Lists

Here is a cleaning tip from Sonya, that helps her keep motivated for cleaning.

Sonya says:

I have a weekly chore list that has little boxes next to each chore to tick when they are done.

I have things highlighted in green to represent daily chores, blue for weekly chores and black for chores less frequent.

I find if I have the things I have to do written down in front of me, I am more motivated to do them.

Taylor says:

Thanks Sonya for sharing your cleaning tip with us.

I too am a list maker, and it does seem to make me more motivated when I know what the plan for the day is.

Of course, I have one caveat to that, which is I can sometimes de-motivate (is that a word?) myself if I write a list that is realistically too long to accomplish in a day.

Therefore, let's make lists for keeping us motivated, but make sure to make them realistic so we don't get overwhelmed.

Sounds like Sonya has the right idea by making her list, which sounds kinda long, realistic by knowing not everything has to be done every day, but only at regular intervals.

So, do you have any cleaning tips?

If so, share your cleaning tips with us here. In addition, you can read other tips already submitted here.

Photo by bark

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