Mildew Removal - How To Get Mildew Out Of Clothes

by Taylor
(Household Management 101)

Mildew On Clothes Is No Fun!

Mildew On Clothes Is No Fun!

Mildew removal -- we have all at one time or another contemplated how to get mildew off of our clothes when we accidentally left something damp in the laundry basket.

If you leave something damp in a laundry basket with little air circulation and high humidity you are destined for mildew.

Now, how do you get it out of your clothes?

If the item can be bleached with chlorine bleach this is your best alternative because it will kill the mildew, and also deodorize.

However, most of us are not lucky enough to get mildew stains only on items that are bleachable with chlorine bleach.

Your next alternative is to soak the fabric in all-color bleach (see my explanation of laundry supplies for the difference between chlorine and all-color bleach) and hot water, and then launder.

You can also use hydrogen peroxide to try to get out any stain that remains on the fabric after laundering.

You need to sponge the hydrogen peroxide onto the fabric, after you launder it but before you put it into the dryer and set the stain.

After the application of the hydrogen peroxide, rinse and relaunder the item.

I do have a word of caution however. It is, of course, best not to let things mildew because although these methods can get out the stain, I have experienced instances where the stain was just so bad it would just not come out.

Photo by Duchamp

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mildew smell
by: ~LL~

In relation to this post.....a lot of times, my towels get REALLY stinky and a regular wash just doesn't cut it. Now, to all my towels, I add 1/2 cup white vinegar to a regular wash. The vinegar really does help to kill the smell. This is especially handy if, like me, you have a septic system and cannot use bleach.

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