Natural Furniture Polish - How To Make Home Made Furniture Polish

There are lots of natural furniture polish recipes around. In fact, on this site my article about home made furniture polish contains recipes which could also be considered natural, since they consist of olive oil and other such natural ingredients.

natural furniture polish
Photo courtesy of Ross Angus
Below are additional recipes for how to make furniture polish with natural ingredients, including some suprising ones like whiskey.

Linseed Oil And Whiskey Furniture Polish


  • 1/4 cup boiled linseed oil
  • 1/8 cup vinegar
  • 1/8 cup whiskey


Step 1: Combine all these ingredients into a spray bottle, and shake well to combine.

Step 2: Spray a small amount of polish onto a soft, lint free cloth, and then apply this to the wood. As the alcohol evaporates quickly, there is no need to buff.

A variation on this recipe removes the whiskey, and instead adds 2-3 drops of essential oil for a nice fragrance. This polish does need to be buffed, but is good for heavily waxed wood, and wood with a polypropylene finish on it.

Homemade Wood Furniture Dusting Spray


  • 1/2 cup apricot kernel oil
  • 1 tablespoon rubbing alcohol (also known as isopropyl alcohol)
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable based liquid soap
  • 1 cup distilled water


Step 1: Mix the ingredients together in a spray bottle, and shake well to combine.

Step 2: Spray a small amount of polish onto a soft, lint free cloth, and then apply this to the wood, and then wipe off.

Beeswax Natural Furniture Polish


  • 1/2 cup sweet almond oil
  • 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil
  • 1 tablespoon melted beeswax
  • 2 tablespoons red turkey oil
  • 2-3 drops of essential oil


Step 1: Mix the ingredients together in a spray bottle, and shake well to combine.

Step 2: Spray a small amount of polish onto a soft, lint free cloth, and then apply this to the wood, and buff to get a beautiful shine.

Hint: The beeswax furniture polish recipe is great for moisturizing dry wood, but it should not be used on heavily waxed wood, nor on wood with a polypropylene finish.

Note About The Essential Oils Suggested For These Recipes

Several of the above recipes, or their alternatives, call for essential oils to be added. Obviously, the essential oil chosen will impact the fragrance of the polish.

Below are some suggested essential oils that many people prefer for use in furniture polish because of the scent provided.

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