Taylor's Favorite Organization Sites

I am a big fan of organization sites from all around the web because household management and home organization go hand in hand.

organization sites
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My philosophy of home organization is that you should not organize for organization's sake, but your organizational actions should help your life become simpler and/or easier.

Organization is not about the gadgets and the gizmos (although those can be fun to look at, and some are even helpful).

Instead, organization is about finding what works for you and implementing it with as little effort as possible (although of course sometimes it can be hard work).

These organization sites listed below embody this philosophy.

Therefore, without further ado, here are some of my favorite organization sites, places I go to get ideas and inspiration when I want to get organized.

I'm An Organizing Junkie

I'm An Organizing Junkie is written by Laura, and she has a self-professed love of containers of every shape and size.

She's got three kids of her own, so she knows what we are going through with trying to organize the kiddos and all their stuff.

She has got some great tips on how to get organized, and one of my favorites is her secret to staying organized. It is such a good one, and so true! I do it myself and it makes a world of difference.


Unclutterer is written by a team of bloggers, both men and women, who each bring their own unique experiences and perspectives to the concept of decluttering.

Their motto is, "a place for everything, and everything in its place."

They've got some great tips for how to make that motto a reality in your own home.

I am still working on having a place for everything and everything in its place myself, but am making forward progress!

Organizing Your Way

Organizing Your Way is written by Mandi, and she has some great ideas about organizing, especially with kids.

She even has a whole section devoted to laundry, and you know I love to talk about laundry!

Update: I did a guest post for her site about creating your own laundry stain removal kit. Check it out!

Household Management 101

Household Management 101 (warning, shameless plug!) is written by me, Taylor, and I like to focus on home and personal organization as it relates to your whole family.

I especially enjoy figuring out how to make life easier and simpler with organizational tips and tricks, while not having organization be the main focus of your life.

If you think some more organization sites should be added to this list, contact me and I'll check out what you recommend.

I'm always interested in finding great, well written blogs and websites about home and personal organization.

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