Taylor's Favorite Simple Living Blogs

Simple living blogs talk about, you guessed it, various aspects of simple living.

simple living blogs
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So what is simple living?

This idea, also known as voluntary simplicity, can be very hard to define because it is such a personal philosophy, and therefore each practitioner lives it in slightly different way.

Basically though, the simple living ideas, and thus simple living blogs that I am drawn toward are those that espouse a philosophy to not get caught up in the material world.

Instead, their philosophy is to focus on family, happiness and personal fulfillment without consumerism and the need to keep up with every new gadget and piece of technology.

Therefore, I am drawn to ideas of how simple living can impact your home and family for the better, and anyone that knows anything about me knows I'm all for that.

So, without further ado, here is my list of some of my favorite simple living blogs:

Zen Habits

Zen Habits is written by Leo Babauta.

I struggled with how to classify this blog because it really encompasses so much more than just simple living, but since his posts about that subject are some of my favorite this is where I have categorized it.

Leo has six kids of his own, so he knows what life is like with a busy family.

He serves as an inspiration because even with that busy life he has been able to accomplish some amazing things, and he shares how he did it with everyone so we can learn by example.

Simple Mom

Simple Mom is written by Tsh, and I have to admit this is one of my favorite blogs period, not just simple living blogs.

Tsh talks about all kinds of topics that intersect between simple living and household management and because of that she always has an interesting perspective.

For example, one of my all-time favorite posts of hers is about GTD for Home Managers.

Since the book Getting Things Done (GTD) is one of my favorites, and so is the topic of home management, it was a great!

Small Notebook

Small Notebook is written by Rachel, and her tag line is "Notes and encouragement for a simple and peaceful home."

I think that tag line says it all, and she delivers.

I always enjoy reading Rachel's posts because they help me think about an area of home life I hadn't or from a different perspective.

On Simplicity

On Simplicity is written by Sara, and her post introducing herself gives a great explanation of what simple living is all about. [Update - Sara has sadly stopped her blog, so her links have been taken down since they no longer work.]

I generally focus on blogs that deal with families and kids, because that is one of my big focuses in life right now.

This blog, however, really focuses more on simple living for yourself, not as a mommy, but just as a person.

I like that though, because us household managers can always stand to focus a bit more on ourselves every now and then!

If you think some more simple living blogs should be added to this list please contact me and I'll check out what you recommend.

I'm always interested in finding great, well written blogs and other resources about simple living, especially as it relates to family life.

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