Soap Nuts For Wash, Vinegar For The Rinse - Favorite Laundry Supplies

by Marianne

Soap nuts and vinegar are Marianne's favorite laundry supplies. Here is what she says:

Marianne says:

Hello, I just want to say that I really enjoy your site and all the interesting tips that I have picked up from it.

I have been using Soap Nuts for my wash for almost two years but I do like a little scent in my washed clothing and the Soap Nuts don't leave any.

Not wanting to use commercial softeners with chemical scents, I also went the vinegar way for the rinse cycle.

However, for giving my home made softener a scent I found it more convenient to use essential oils.

I mix 1 liter of mineral or distilled water with 1 liter of white alcohol vinegar and add 20 drops of lavender essential oil.

Just shake and use 1/2 a cup in your rinse cycle.

Due to the soap nuts my laundry is much softer than it used to be therefore eliminating the need for ironing of certain items and the vinegar/essential oil mixture just adds to the softness besides giving my laundry a wonderful scent of lavender.

A little 10ml bottle of all natural essential oil seems expensive to start out with, but if you consider that each one contains at least 240 - 250 drops this softener mixture is less expensive and much better for you and the environment.

Taylor says:

Marianne, thanks for sharing this information.

I have been hearing about soap nuts for quite a while now, but have not yet tried them myself.

It seems like I always hear positive things though, and have yet to hear anything negative.

I would love to hear from others who use (or tried) soap nuts. You can tell us all more about them either in the comments, or if you love soap nuts too you can share that as your favorite laundry supply (or whatever else you truly love!)

I also love using essential oils, because you can choose your own scent (or scent mixture) which can be as strong or subtle as you wish. I personally really like vanilla essential oil for laundry.

Finally, below are some resources if you want to purchase some of the products Marianne uses in her laundry if you want to try them too.

Photo by *clairity*

Related Links At Household Management 101

Laundry Tips For Families

Typical Laundry Supplies For Your Household And How To Use Them Effectively

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