Split Cleaning Between Upstairs And Downstairs With This Cleaning Schedule

by Jesse

Jesse's days are very full with children so young, but she has found a plan that works for her.

I like that she is realistic in how much she hopes to accomplish in a day with two little ones, and how she is flexible enough to stop and start the task instead of waiting until she has enough time to do it all at once.

As you know if you have ever taken care of very young children, you will never get enough time to do it all at once! See Jesse's schedule below:

Jesse says:

I am a mom of 2 under the age of 2, so my days are pretty hectic. I also have a fairly large home. That's why I split my house cleaning up between the upstairs and downstairs for the bigger tasks.

Here's my schedule.

  • Monday - Wash bedding, change sheets, clean up bedrooms/toyroom

  • Tuesday - dust / vacuum / mop upstairs floors, and also deal with paperwork for the week

  • Wednesday - wash towels and bathmats, clean all bathrooms

  • Thursday - dust / vacuum / mop downstairs floors

  • Friday - kitchen cleanup, clear out fridge/freezer, mop, wipe down counters

  • Saturday - grocery shopping (so DH can watch the kids)

  • Sunday - nothing

I also do certain things everyday, like an additional load of laundry and picking up toys for about fifteen minutes in the afternoon.

Because my kids are so young each day's activities can take all day, because I just start and stop as I can, before they need me again.

I also get a lot done during their nap, if I don't take one myself! :)

Taylor says:

Thanks Jesse for sharing your schedule with us.

It sounds like you have your hands full, but have a good plan for getting things done, and are being realistic.

So, do you have a weekly cleaning schedule? If so, share your weekly cleaning schedule with us here, or read even more schedules already submitted here.

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Excellent Schedule
by: Judith

What a great -- and realistic! -- schedule! When my kids were small the hardest things I had to learn were:
1. It's never all clean at once!
2. "Stop and start" is the only way to get anything done. Doing what you can as you can is the best way to make progress on the chores.
3. A plan really helps keep you focused. And knowing that you'll get to the other things on another day means you don't have to feel overwhelmed by it all.

Great plan! Grouping like chores together helps, too, as well as focusing on either upstairs or downstairs.

Sounds like you are doing what you can to make a happy and healthy home for your husband and kids.
Keep up the good work!

Weekly to-dos
by: Cara

I have found that having a weekly to-dos posted on my refrigerator helps me stay on track. At the most, I put 3 items on any given day's to-do (with regard to house cleaning/maintenance). It's a nice visual reminder.

You can find more simple green household tips at my blog,

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