Create A Custom Spring Cleaning List For Your Home

Create your own personalized spring cleaning list to get the most out of spring cleaning.

spring cleaning list
Photo by riot jane

Start At The Kitchen Table And Just Think

Before you make your spring cleaning list you should decide what it is you want to accomplish by doing spring cleaning.

Do you want to refresh and renew your home, turning everything inside out to get ready for the coming warm season? Or do you have narrower goals, such as trying to get an especially cluttered area clear, or a long neglected room less grimy?

Whatever your goals, make sure whatever plan you put into place seeks to accomplish these goals without going too far astray into areas you aren't interested in.

Nothing spells defeat faster than attempting to do deep cleaning you don't have some type of motivation for.

Grab A Pen And Paper And Make A List While Walking Through Your Home

Next, you need to get up from the kitchen table and really look at your home. Pretend you are a visitor that doesn't see this stuff everyday.

We, of course, get visually immune to our own clutter and grime after a while, so try to put on a different set of eyes to avoid this problem.

Create a page for each room of your home you want to tackle during your spring cleaning.

Also, don't forget to create a page for the exterior of your home, along with pages for the garage, basement, and/or attic if you are going to tackle any of those as well.

Need some more spring cleaning ideas?

Check out this spring cleaning checklist to give you some ideas and inspiration.

Make sure you customize the checklist to your needs though!

Once You Have Your Plan, Work Your Plan

Now that you know both why you want to spring clean, and what you want to spring clean it is time to put your plans into action.

Check out these spring cleaning tips regarding preparation for the big clean to help you on your way.

Also, before you begin spring cleaning, please remember to check out these spring cleaning safety tips to make sure you and your family stay safe while you check off the items on your spring cleaning list.

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