"Superlice" - The Epidemic Of Pesticide Resistant Superbugs

by Taylor
(Household Management 101)

The video below is about "superlice," which is the epidemic sweeping the nation of lice which are resistant to the pesticides and insecticides we have been putting on our hair to kill these bugs.

This clip comes from ABC's Nightline. The clip grabbed my attention because when I started my series on head lice treatment I told my story about using the commercial pesticide treatment on my daughter, and that it just didn't work. I jokingly called her lice "superlice" but apparently I was not the first to come up with this title.

Just as I discussed, over time evolution has helped these bugs become resistant to the insecticides. That means we are having to use various other treatments, such as home remedies for head lice to get rid of them in our home and in our hair now than we did 20 or more years ago.

Here is the clip about these superlice. By the way, I love that the clip helps stop the stigma of getting head lice, because it shows a clip where Courtney Cox (of the Friends TV show fame) discusses how her daughter, Coco, got head lice, and then so did she. See, celebrities just like us, huh?

The clip shows, for a second, a product which it doesn't name that heats
the bugs and kills them. This product is called a "louse buster" and I didn't know they were commercially available.

I have read about them, and will try to do some more research to share this information with you too, since I have read positive reviews of killing the head lice with heat.

In addition, the clip had an interesting statistic, which I have not heard elsewhere, and therefore cannot confirm or deny its correctness. It said that when someone in your home gets head lice you have a 90% chance of also getting it.

If that is the case I believe my family dodged a bullet because it was only one daughter who got it, but now it makes me want to check everyone again just in case. Scary though to think about that, isn't it?

head lice treatment
This post is part of my series on Head Lice Treatment. Start at the beginning of the series, and read it all if you need instructions on this right now. Don't panic -- learn the facts before you act!

Don't forget that you can share your stories and experiences about lice treatment here.

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