Toy Organizer And Storage Unit With Removable Bins

by Taylor
(Household Management 101)

Do your children have a lot of small or medium size toys that seem to get all over the floor and stay there?

This toy storage solution, with its four rows of brightly colored plastic bins may be just the solution for you.

It provides a way to organize the toys into various groupings, but still allow them to be visible and reachable by your children, so they can decide what they want to play with.

You can, for example, place all the toy cars in one bin, all the building blocks in another, and on and on. Then, when your child decides what he wants to play with, all they have to do is remove that particular bin and begin playing. Note: dumping out the contents of the bin is optional, but it seems kids will not want to skip this step :).

This organizer is perfect for a child's bedroom, playroom, or even the living room to keep all those toys out from underfoot.

I like that the bins are plastic too, which means if they get dirty or something gets spilled on them, you can easily wash them off and put them back into use.

It is also a nice feature that the bins are open, because it keeps the toys visible, which is something that doesn't happen when you stick them all in a box. The visibility keeps kids from forgetting what they have, so they don't complain they are bored, "because there are no toys to play with." (Can't you tell I have kids?)

Please note that this toy organizer is made for small and medium size toys. You can stick a couple of bigger toys in the top rack, because they will be able to stick out more, but obviously they would not fit in the lower racks.

Besides the colors of bins featured, this product also comes in pastel colors, if this fits your room design better. In addition, there are similar products from other manufacturers which also have good ratings and reviews. Here are some of those additional choices for you also:

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I use different bins with mine now
by: Rebecca

I have the same rack. I liked the bins okay, but the smaller ones are pretty pointless with toddler toys, she doesn't have a lot of little pieces. Anyways, I used this rack and purchased different containers (I used Sterelite brand Nesting boxes) they all have LIDS and I labeled them! If she wants a box, the rule is, the other box has to be cleaned up first. It works really well!

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