Uses Of Olive Oil Around Your Home - Book Review Of The Passionate Olive

by Taylor
(Household Management 101)

The Passionate Olive: 101 Things To Do With Olive Oil

The Passionate Olive: 101 Things To Do With Olive Oil

I recently got a book from the library, The Passionate Olive: 101 Things To Do With Olive Oil by Carol Firenze.

The name of the book just caught my eye, because I love books that give me ideas for how to use common, everyday objects in my home in new ways.

Many times these types of books give great ways to live a greener and more sustainable life, and save money at the same time.

The Passionate Olive does not disappoint and provides all kinds of uses of olive oil all around your home.

I already knew, for example, that you can use olive oil as one of the main ingredients in homemade furniture polish.

Also, in my series about head lice treatment I suggest using olive oil as one of several home remedies for head lice, to help naturally smother the lice without using harsh and poisonous chemicals on your skin.

Further, there are more ways to clean with olive oil, and for use on other objects around your home from preserving wooden cutting boards to polishing your shoes.

It also gives ideas for the uses of olive oil for your health, beauty, for babies, pets, and even the traditional and historical uses for olive oil in religious and ritual purposes.

Finally, it gives cooking uses for olive oil, including some wonderful sounding family recipes from the author's family, who is Italian American.

Overall, I enjoyed this book and the author's family stories and recipes that were interspersed with all the uses of olive oil that she has found and documented.

I would recommend The Passionate Olive: 101 Things to Do with Olive Oil if you are interested in more ways to use this natural product for various uses around your home.

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Thank you for recommending my book!
by: Carol Firenze

I just returned from a 3 week Olive Harvest Adventure in Italy and was delighted to see your recommendation. I hope your readers will take your advice and use natural products for their everyday household chores. Olive oil is also wonderful for your skin, hair...and cooking.

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