Weekly Housekeeping Schedules From Around The Web

Cleaning The Floor - A Weekly Household Chore

Cleaning The Floor - A Weekly Household Chore

Weekly housekeeping schedules are essential to keeping your home in good order.

If you're not convinced of that see my article about weekly house cleaning schedules benefit your home and sanity.

There are lots of good examples of these cleaning schedules around the web, and here are some more I have recently found that I wanted to share with you.

All of these ladies has found, like I have, that having a weekly house cleaning schedule can make everything run much more smoothly in your home.

First, at The Wallace Family Blog Kristy has posted about her weekly cleaning schedule, and her laundry schedule.

Kristy is a mom of 1, but she lives in a small space (900 square feet) with her husband and child, along with pets, so keeping up with the cleaning is very important to her.

She also does laundry only once a week. I personally swear by making a weekly laundry schedule and doing some everyday. But that is what is great about household management -- there is more than one way to get things done that works.

Since her once a week laundry schedule is working for her, I say don't change what's not broken!

Next, at Hope In My Pocket Mary is the mom of four, a 2 year old girl and baby triplet boys! I can just imagine how much work she has on her plate each day.

Because she has so much going on she has really had to get super organized. She has lists posted on her refrigerator that are laminated which list the tasks that need to be done. As she (or someone else that is helping her) gets the task done she uses a dry-erase marker to check it off the for the day.

This is the same advice I give to everyone regarding their household notebook, for recurring tasks so you don't have to re-write your schedule every day or week.

Mary also shares her laundry schedule (three loads a day) and how she keeps track of
her grocery list! Check out her full post for details.

Third, is Jenny at What's New With The Woo's? Jenny has made some clever names for her weekly tasks, to help her remember what needs to be done each day.

These include:
  • Menu and Market Monday

  • Toilets, Tubs, and Towels Tuesday

  • Wash Wednesday

  • Thoroughly Dusting Thursday; and

  • Floors Friday

Jenny then takes the weekend off, which I think is also a great idea.

Jenny stated in her post: "I try to do a little bit of cleaning everyday that way I do not have to spend a whole day, especially on the weekends, cleaning my house... that's just gonna get messy again! So if you do a little everyday your not overwhelmed and you don't feel like you have wasted a day or days cleaning."

Those are my sentiments exactly! I think it sums up nicely why everyone should have a housekeeping schedule.

Finally, at Pretty In Pink And Green Kat has created an entire cleaning schedule chart that she has posted in her blog post. It includes tasks for each day of the week, including laundry, menu planning and running errands.

She states: "When I follow it (my cleaning schedule), things run smoothly and stay in order, when I don’t, well, things definitely don’t run as smoothly and clutter can build up quickly."

She also said that "Having a schedule definitely cuts down on or completely eliminates the marathon cleaning on one day as opposed to spreading it out throughout the week."

Those are both some very compelling reasons to create a weekly cleaning schedule, in my opinion!

In addition to these, you can see even more weekly housekeeping schedules here on this site, including weekly cleaning schedules shared by other readers.

Remember too, you can also share your own weekly house cleaning schedule with us here.

Photo by Rubbermaid Products

Related Links At Household Management 101

Schedules, Routines and Habits For Your Home

Household Cleaning Schedule - Why And How To Create One

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by: Anonymous

Wow! Thanks for posting my cleaning chart!!! I hope it can inspire some other ladies as well, I know I need all the help and inpiration I can get! Thanks for leaving such a sweet comment and for featuring me! - Kat :)

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